Chapel Hill Leads Group Inclement Weather Procedure
What weather conditions will cancel a CHLG Wednesday meeting?
Any weather conditions causing the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools to cancel or impose a 2 hour opening delay on Wednesday, will cancel the CHLG meeting for that Wednesday. Weather conditions include, but are not limited to, tropical storms and hurricanes, snow, and icy roads.
What is the procedure for when school is not in session?
These represent general guidelines. Under all conditions, if you feel that the weather conditions in your area make travel hazardous, Stay Safe – Stay Home.
Which months are most likely to have inclement weather?
- Hurricane season is from late August to mid November.
- Winter months from mid December through March
How do I know if the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City schools are closed or on delayed opening?
- Visit the Chapel Hill Leads Group website for the current status of the Wednesday meeting.
- Join Chapel Hill Leads Group on Facebook to receive notices concerning the status of the Wednesday meeting.
- Visit the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City school website [] and check the District Alert post on the home page.
- Visit WRAL Weather, school closing [] and check the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City school status. On this page you can sign up to receive an email from WRAL when there is a change in status to the schools closing status.